How Clay Uses Verisoul to Save $175K Monthly on Fake Accounts

Know the real
location of every session

Stay compliant, enable geo-restrictions, and prevent network-masking techniques like proxies & VPNs.
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Stay geo-compliant and prevent fraud with geolocation

Prevent access from certain locations - stay compliant.

Account Sharing

Know when users are seat sharing by spotting impossible travel.
Payment Fraud
Detect high-risk transactions from atypical geographies.

Location data and fraud insights, in one integration

Country, city, and lat/long
Get pinpoint location data about every session.
Impossible travel
Detect account sharing, account takeover attempts, and fraud by spotting accounts with sessions across large distances.
True location detection
Identify where users are originating, even if they try and mask their location.

"We spent hundreds of hours vetting different KYC, Geo-Fencing, Device Monitoring, & Bot Detection products to ensure we are building a secure & fair gaming platform. I wish we would have found Verisoul sooner. Verisoul is a no brainer. "

—  Jimmy Simmons
Creative Director
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How it works

Analyze the IP and device
We maintain an accurate geolocation-IP database.
Active testing & triangulation
Actively triangulate the device's location using advanced signaling.
Pinpoint the location
Combine geolocation data with triangulation to pinpoint the session.

Global coverage, at your fingertips

Explore detailed insights about every session's location.
Explore Documentation

Read how Adgrand blocks geographies and VPN & Proxy IPs

“Verisoul's real-time fake account detection replaced two other IP geolocation and proxy IP providers.

It took us less than a day to get started and less than a week to win us over. And their proxy detection is the best we've seen. ”
Conan Wang
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